
An element that it is revealed like fundamental for the economic development and the success of the companies is the related with the technological innovation and the culture of the innovation. The management of this strategic aspect, is more and more critical for life and the success of the societies and institutions. Of where, EUROCONSEIL organizes a set of services and seminaries directed to the directors and the responsible politicians to facilitate his/her/its to establish one day in the topics told with the innovation, while allowing them to visualize that the development and the success of the companies, the institutions and the territories depend of:

  • The incorporation of competitiveness factors, followed with the quality and the innovation.
  • The development of the new systems of information and communication.
  • The formation in these topics of the staff of the organization.

We invite to the policy makers, institutions and companies to participate, and to make participates in their Organizations of the necessary changes, in the one on the path to the excellence and the increase of the competitive capacity.


The general objectives pursued with these seminaries, are those to form and to qualify the staff of direction, settings, technicians and political people in the enterprises and in the Institutions, to make know them: 

  • How to analyze and to take advantage of advantages of a plan and the projects of innovation.
  • The positive effects that can be drifted for the competitive place of their organization.
  • How to conceive and to implant projects of innovation permitting have their company to compete, to grow and to produce more wealth, better while guaranteeing its future and its funding.
  • Of the methodologies for the development of projects of innovation and improvement continued, while also knowing, all existing sources of financing.

 In this sense, the seminaries will be of two types:  

  • Addressed to the policy makers and enterprises and Institutions, in the goal to transmit them the fundamental concepts and the possibilities that the innovation can represent for its organizations. as well as the effects that can be drifted for the picture and their competitive position, and
  • Addressed to the technicians and workers, with the objective to permit to participate actively them in the development and the implantation of innovation Projects in their organizations.


The new concept of innovation, applicable to the companies and to the organizations of all dimension, go very beyond to manufacture and to throw some new products or to lend advanced services. 

To innovate is to transform some ideas in products or new services or improved that the market valorises and try to work way more intelligent and more creative, to face the problems since new points of view, to imagine some formulas to make better and better the things.

Course on Technological Innovation for direction team Course on Technological Innovation for Technicians Advanced course on the New Technologies of information and the Communication
2 days x 6 hours 3 days x 6 hours 5 days x 6 hours
Hours -Seminar 12 18 30
Student -Seminar 15-20 15-20 15-20
Places of celebration

Capitals, big cities, institutions and companies, according to profiles.


The quality of an educational program is measured by the true advantages that provide the acquired knowledge and also for the utility, even more belated, of this knowledge.

The methodology of our program is based on active methods of teaching, prevailing the practice on the theory. The professor's presence is imposed, in the sense to explain, to observe and to correct, in its case, the realization of the different advisable tasks.

We combine a rigorous theoretical teaching with the convenient practice, while providing, the acquaintance of basis to solve the tasks that will be of application in a second phase, to develop some solutions has the situations that increase their difficulty progressively, as using the adapted tools has every case.

To accomplish the goal of this program, we use a methodology, active, participative and dynamic, supported by audiovisual and computer support. While leaving from the experiences of the integrating of the group, so that they associate to the new information and they find it useful and functional. The methodology of the didactic material and the computer resources, is in a very measured balance between the theoretical and practical teaching.


The contents of this seminaries are, only, approximate because, our open and supple methodology, they are always adapted, to answer the level and the feature of the group, while personalizing, to the maximum the teaching, adapting it according to the necessities of the students.

Day 1
Lesson I: Introduction. The course. The methodology. Generals and specific goals. Index of content.
Lesson II: The company and the innovation. The Globalization. The company facing an economy in the constant change. The creativeness as motor of the innovation and the change. The company facing the digital economy.
Lesson III: The TI concept. The formation as pillar key of TI. Innovation in the production of the company (Examples). Innovation in the operations of the company (Examples). Innovation in the managerial structures of organization (Examples). Innovation in the merchandising (Examples).
Lesson IV: I+D and cooperation as regards TI. The structure of the support to the Technological innovation. I+D in the company. External actors in the innovation. Agreements of collaboration as regards TI. Centers of technological innovation. Universities, company and TI. Strategic alliances. Types of strategic alliances. Cases and examples.
Lesson V: The impact of TI in the company.  Impact about the productivity. Impact about competitiveness. Impact about the economic growth. What advantages do they get the companies when to innovate?. Variation of sales. Reduction of costs. He/it improves continuous of competitiveness. Process and Product. Indefinite survival possibility. Optimization of resources. Improvements in the professional qualifications and the staff's satisfaction. The satisfaction of the customer and maintenance of their confidence. Case, examples and realization of practical.
Day 2
Lesson VI: How to organize the technological innovation?. The technological diagnosis. List of the check. Tools of the analysis for the strategic diagnosis. DAFO analysis. Benchmarking. I model Caretaker's five strengths. B.C.G. Main. Analysis of the Value, Circles of quality. Investigation of markets. The project of the innovation. Phases of a project of the innovation. The analysis of profitability of investments told with the Technological innovation Project. To finance, pursuit and control of the innovation Project. Case, examples and realization of practical.
Lesson VII: The financing of the innovation. Panorama of the investments in Innovation. Recommendations to finance projects of the innovation. Public support to financing projects of the innovation. European Union.
Test of assessment of the seminary and Findings.

Day 1
Lesson I: Introduction. Presentation of the seminary. Methodology to use. General and specifics goals. Index of content and Chronogram..
Lesson II: The requirements of the innovation.  The change and the innovation. Characteristic of the process of the innovation. The management of the innovation. The protection of the innovation.
Lesson III: The innovation in the offer of the company. Definition of technological innovation of product. Innovation of products technologically new. Innovation of products improved technologically. Cycle of life of a product. To organize new products in the company.
Lesson IV: The innovation in the productive processes. Definition of innovation in the productive process. New innovation or of improvements in the productive processes.
Lesson V: Innovation in the structures of organization. Innovation in the systems of direction and organization. The" Just-in time." The MRP. The theory of the restrictions. The Quality as instrument of improvement and continuous competitiveness.
Day 2
Lesson VI: Innovation in the merchandising. The new shapes in the merchandising. Internet. The franchise.
Lesson VII: Identification and execution of TI.  The technological diagnosis. Stages of the technological diagnosis. Tools of the analysis for the strategic diagnosis. DAFO analysis. Benchmarking. I model Caretaker's five strengths. B.C.G. Main. Analysis of the value. Circles of quality. Investigation of markets. List of the check of innovative potentialities. To make the project of innovation. Analysis of profitability of investments. To install the walk and control of the project TI. The structure of the support to the innovation. Survey of case.
Day 3
Lesson VIII: The Technological innovation analysis. Analysis of several cases of different sectors.
Lesson IX: Support to the Technological innovation. The financing of the innovation. Panorama of the investments in Innovation. Recommendations to finance projects of innovation. Official supports to finance projects of the innovation. European Union.
Test of Evaluation of the seminary and Conclusions.

Day 1
Lesson I: Presentation of the seminary. General framing. Methodology used and specific objectives. Contained and chronogram.
Lesson II: Internet: Introduction and concepts of basis. Historic evolution. World implantation.
Lesson III: Communication in the Internet: TCP / IP. Concepts of basis. Transmitting pieces of information. The protocols based on Datagrama. Local nets. IP addresses. Footbridges (entered). TCP / UDP. The names of domain. HOST / DNS. structure of the Domain name. Valid domains of first level. Enrollment of domains. International enrollment ( Theory and convenient.
Day 2
Lesson IV: Connection has Internet. Connection modem (floating IP: Advantages, inconveniences, solutions. Stationary IP: Advantages, inconveniences, solutions. Connection via local network. Connection with a public IP. Connection with a private IP. Dynamic operation of the famous of addresses (NAT). Theory and convenient.
Lesson V: Tools Of basis of Internet. Introduction. Transfer of files: FTP. Graphic orders / Tools. FTP Identified / Anonymous FTP. Telnet. IRC / Cat. Programs of IRC. To share resources in a Local Network. Microsoft Net. Theory and convenient.
Day 3
Lesson VI: Security. Security in the Connection has Internet. Baffles firebreak (firewall). Concept. Rules of filtering of packets. Applications. Proxy. Concept. Servers. Applications. Sounder of ports. Tool. Risks and solutions for a sure communication in Internet. Internet is an open channel. Symmetrical Encryptassion. Asymmetric Encryptassion. Certificates. Numeric certificates. Applicable levels. Electronic signature law. Authorities of the certification in Spain. Theory and convenient.
Lesson VII: Electronic mail. Introduction. SMTP protocol. Essential. Server of mail leaves. Lists of distribution. Mail boxes. Example of the operation: mail box with addresses of the mail multiples. Security. No one is in Internet c that TI that appears. Operation of the numeric signature. Worry with the helpers. Operation of the servers of news. Operation of the groups of news. Configuration and use of the customer of the electronic mail. Outlook Express. Configuration of the identity. To send and to receive the mail. To answer. Management of mail. Management of multiple identities. Filters of the mail. Operation of the calendar. Security. Theory and convenient.
Day 4
Lesson VIII: The WEB.  Navigators of Internet. Web addresses. Ties. To open multiple windows. To remain and to organize the Favorites. To remain or to print a Web page. To download files. Researchers of Internet. Plugins. Autonomous navigation. Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Firefox. Protocol" http ". Codes of state of the server. URL. Servant / customer Web. Cookies. What the cookies can and cannot make. Configuration of the navigators. Creation of one Web page. HTML. The electronic trade. Tools
Day 5
Realization of the practices on the whole content of the seminary.
Test of assessment of the seminary and Conclusions.


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